We make your innovation profitable.

Innovation Management

At Active Development we make your innovation effective. We generate ideas from opportunities to transform them into business. We do everything tailored to your team, evolving your organizational culture, generating a change of attitude and enthusiasm.

Increase the innovation capacity of your teams

We activate the latent talent in your teams, customize the method and inject the necessary energy to motivate them in a sustained way. Your people know themselves better, we evaluate their capacity and develop their full potential. Thanks to our solutions, we achieve a natural innovation in your day-to-day, so that it occurs in a systematic way. We help you develop professionalized, measurable and effective management that ensures the competitiveness of your company in today’s turbulent environments.

Practical and profitable innovation for all

Personalized advice to design the strategy and method, to implement it with you ensuring a positive impact on your bottom line. We adapt to your size, whether you are a small team that is starting to innovate or if you are a large corporation with your innovation department.

New tools for tangible results and deep impact

We have our own state-of-the-art tools that we apply uniquely to your organization. We provide practical tools from disciplines such as Open Innovation, Design Thinking, Lean Startup or Agile. We are leaders in Corporate Entrepreneurship in Spain, thanks to our own methodology of the 5 LEVERS TO ACTIVATE CORPORATE INTRAPRENEURSHIP.

– OBJECTIVES of our innovation programs
– ACTIONS to boost your innovation
– BENEFITS of our innovation programs
– ATTRIBUTES of our innovation programs

OBJECTIVES of our innovation programs

We make your innovation a constant and systematic action based on the attitude of doing new things and overcoming the challenges that has adding value to the customers , for the company and society.

• Design and start an innovation program bringing vision, involving and motivating the team, defining a roadmap, stablishing objectives and measuring results and performance.

• Divulge a new culture of the innovation .

• Evolve towards a broad innovation, continuous and systematic , that is generated naturally based on a suitable ecosystem. 

• Boost the innovation capacity  of your teams, generating and capturing knowledge through the creation of systems using the experimentation of the users, or through observation of new platforms, tools and contents that are tested in the company. 

• Train the team, giving them tools and knowledge , develop the competencies needed to achieve the objectives of the program. 

• Start up, management and direction of the corporate innovation.

• It is essential that the ideas get to the market and the innovation is profitable . The innovation is not only invention (novelty), the innovation is also commercial (utility, market value). 

• Share knowledge whithin the different users  through the use of common platform and exchange formulas inside the processes.

• Permeate the organization in order to capture value from the environment , that is evolving in a faster pace than our organization.

Some Success Stories

ACTIONS to boost your innovation

Next, a set of initiatives is proposed, which should not be seen as separate compartments but as different systems that can be implemented in time or complement initiatives already used in the organization. It will be the mission of the innovation management team to prioritize and give them the appropriate relevance. The incorporation of content should be progressive according to the opportunities available.

We promote the key values ​​of your organization’s culture, acquiring dynamism, an attitude of innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit. Coming from the innovation = idea (invention) + successful implementation formula, the initiatives proposed here affect product innovation, but also services and processes. In any case, an organization is not more innovative if its people do not adopt an innovative attitude, and that is why some of the initiatives shown below focus on working individually or collectively with people. We believe that only innovative teams can contribute the necessary innovation to your business in a sustainable way.

BENEFITS of our innovation programs

We will make your organization  innovative, agile, adaptative and dynamic, making it an industry reference .

• Increase the quality and velocity of the innovation  with new proposals that generate growth.

• Identify and activate latent innovators, ready to provoke and lead a change.

• Promote the culture of innovation. Promote the culture of innovation in your business to attract and retain talent.

• More bonding and compromise from the team.

• More return from the salary cost: Employees bring something more than just their job.

• Generate  healthy internal competition.

• Know and bring problems and apportunities inside the organization.

• Boost the transversality and the communication between departments through common projects.

• Learn from other success stories:

ATTRIBUTES of our innovation programs

• Physical and digital scope. Initiatives are fusions in the physical and the digital areas as the essence of a physical reality and a digital world increasing its presence. The physical area is needed as a way to make the tangible value and meaning of the project. The physical space is also justified as the place where you can test pilot tools and methodologies, and systematically observe their behavior, usage and value, as well as being the place that allows these methodologies and tools to reach a large number of people.

• Imagination, creation and exchange of ideas (bottom up) as a core concept. Innovation booster should be a project where people can imagine new concepts, develop them by creating tangible or intangible concepts and, above all, share them. You must have the desire to share your beneficiaries’ knowledge, so that different tools, methodologies and sensations launched from its definition should contemplate the idea of sharing the experience and results.

• Experimentation (learning by doing) as a basis for learning and as a new form of knowledge. You must incorporate two basic components: the ease and the excitement. Any interaction with the innovation must be made from an emotional component and without complications, showing the nicer side of innovation. The experimental message must be enriching and emotional to succeed and generate content and value with a positive impact for the organization.

• Contribution (bidirectional): Participants/beneficiaries should contribute and lend their knowledge to colleagues who can benefit from it. The individual contributions should be channeled for other users to learn, as the essence of the process of “give to get”.

• Openness and communication. Innovation booster should be adaptable to the trends and innovations of users and their suppliers, and should collaborate and network with organizations and initiatives that are part of its strategy. As an open system, it must also host innovative products and services aligned with its objectives.

•  Sustainability and professionalism. Innovation booster is based on a model that should allow it to grow and renew itself, but, at the same time, ensure that all the resources that generate, return part of it to the project. To do this, it needs to be managed with professional standards of management and profitability. Users must perceive the value received and also contribute to their sustenance, although at first they must incorporate funding formulas for its launch.

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