ADA Evaluation

Know yourself

Active Development has developed its own ADA methodology, autonomously or integrated into our CONSULTING, TRAINING WORKSHOPS or COACHING services.

The ADA is an individual evaluation that describes and analyzes the Behavioral Profile of people whose objective is to develop talent, work on areas of improvement and increase compatibility with the position, group or company.

It is an amazing exercise, lasting 20 minutes that is carried out through our web application, and which concludes in a complete report in 5 axes that will enhance your self-knowledge. It allows you to discover the person’s leadership style, the way in which decisions are made, their way of relating to others, the persuasion style, the capacity for analysis or emotional self-control.

With the application of this tool and the valuable information it provides, our clients have already obtained several advantages:

Strengthening teams, increasing the effectiveness of their leader and group performance.

A guide to diagnose areas of improvement through coaching itineraries.

Identification of latent talent that will allow you to develop it and retain it.

Establishment of a map of individual and group competencies to nourish training and internal development plans.

In the commercial field, we evaluate and measure the capacity of the sales force, to improve the compatibility and dynamics of the teams, enhancing their skills in the most critical area of your company.

Generation of more transparent and effective communication, reinforcing ties between team members.

Definition of the behavioral requirements to ensure the person's fit into the job, whether for selection or promotion processes, thanks to the definition of the behavioral requirements.

The ADA is based on a simple, precise and scientifically supported methodology with more than 50 years of research. It is supported by various theories and statistical studies and is scientifically supported with 90% confidence, it has the International Certificate of Validity by the “American Institute of Business Psychology (AIOBP), the ISO9001 certificate and meets the EEOC requirements.

Our team is officially certified to provide in-depth, specific information with solid interpretations to inform your key decisions as well as feedback on individual scores. We would be happy to demonstrate or delve deeper into the power of our methodology.

These are the advantages of our ADA vs DISCO and vs MBTI methodology:


AD Catalog

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